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Effective Internal Evaluation for Improvement : How to Embed Internal Evaluation into Daily Practice
Week 1: Making Teacher Thinking Visible
Course Aim
Before You Begin
Traffic Lights
Making Thinking Visible
Week 2 : Framing & Re-Framing: Te WhĀriki – A Socio-Cultural Curriculum
Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa Early childhood curriculum
Revisiting Our Curriculum
Criticisms around implementation of Te Whāriki
Week 3: Socio-Cultural Contexts
A socio-cultural curriculum
A massive hole
What Matters Here
Week 4: Understanding that language and culture are interwined
Language IS culture
Provide children with language-rich environments
Setting Intentions for Your Internal Evaluation
A massive hole
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